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Keep foods high in added sugar, sodium, and saturated fat to a minimum.

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which influences federal food, nutrition, and health policies, has a significant impact on the nutrition status and health of Americans. Continue reading to learn about the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 and how you can apply these evidence-based recommendations to your diet.

Obesity and other chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, affect approximately 42% (2) and 60% (1) of Americans, respectively. Healthy dietary patterns may significantly improve chronic disease risk and overall health; however, identifying your individual nutritional needs and meeting them is often challenging. (#sodium #sugar #fat)

Did you know? The average American consumes 3,393 mg of sodium per day, which exceeds the recommended limit for adults by nearly 1,100 mg. (3).

Consume a healthy diet across the lifespan

Healthy diets abundant in nutrient-dense foods leave little room for added sugar, sodium (salt), saturated fat, and alcoholic beverages. Foods and beverages containing added sugar, sodium, and saturated fat should be consumed in moderation at every life stage to promote general health and mitigate the risk of diet-related chronic disease. Furthermore, adults who choose to drink alcoholic beverages should do so in moderation.

As a general rule, aim to consume 85% of your calories from nutrient-dense foods and less than 15% of calories from foods and beverages composed of added sugar, sodium, and saturated fat. For the average American consuming 1,650 to 2,300 calories per day, 15% of calories is equal to approximately 250 to 350 calories.

Be mindful of sodium in packaged and prepared foods, which tend to contain high amounts of sodium. Read food labels and watch out for products that contain 20% or more of your daily value of sodium in a single serving. For an individual limiting their sodium to 2,300 mg per day, 20% is equal to about 460 mg per serving. (4)

Delicious foods that are low in fat, sodium and sugar

Filling your diet with low-fat, low-sodium, and low-sugar foods can help you control blood pressure and sugar and help you lose weight. If you think these foods may not be pleasant, think again. Many foods that are naturally low in fat, sugar, and sodium, such as vegetables and whole grains, are both healthy and delicious.


Vegetables are a perfect food if you're looking for something that is low in fat, sugar, and sodium. Vegetables are also low in calories, loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, and filled with fiber. For example, a cup of cucumber slices contains only 15 calories, 0 grams of fat and 1 gram of fiber and is very low in sugar and sodium. Aim for at least 2 1/2 cups of vegetables a day. Plan your meals with vegetables as a main course, e.g. B. stir-fry, salad or soup, and fill in other foods to compliment them. Look for new ways to cook vegetables such as: B. Roast to bring out the delicious, caramelized flavors of your favorite vegetables. Vegetables are also a crunchy, filling snack option at any time of the day.


Whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, and whole wheat pasta are yummy options if you're looking for low-fat, low-sugar, and low-sodium foods. Whole grains are good sources of B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, iron, and fiber. Half a cup of brown rice contains just over 100 calories and 1 gram of fat, and is sugar and sodium free. Combine brown rice with fried vegetables for a filling and tasty meal. Oatmeal flour seasoned with ground cinnamon makes a delicious breakfast or snack that contains 150 calories and 2 grams of fat while also being very low in sugar and sodium. Oatmeal also provides 4 grams of fiber to keep you full. Even though whole grains are a healthy addition to your diet, keep servings under control if you're looking to lose weight. One serving is equivalent to half a cup of rice, pasta or oatmeal, 1 slice of bread or 1 cup of ready-to-eat muesli.


Eggs have a bad rap for their cholesterol content, but they're actually a low-fat, sugar-free, and low-sodium food. A large egg has 70 calories, 5 grams of fat, and only 70 milligrams of sodium. In addition, an egg contains 6 grams of muscle building protein. The cholesterol and fat in an egg is only found in the yolk, while a large protein is cholesterol and fat free. recommends limiting your egg yolk intake to four or less per week. Use only the whites or a protein substitute if you plan to consume eggs more often. Eggs make a filling, easy breakfast option, and hard-boiled eggs are a quick snack or topping for a salad.


Beans like black beans, white beans, and chickpeas are exceptionally nutritious foods. They are naturally very low in fat, sugar and sodium, but high in healthy fiber and protein. Half a cup of black beans contains 100 calories, 0 grams of fat, 4 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein. Canned beans do contain sodium, but draining and rinsing can help reduce sodium levels. Cooking dry beans from scratch is more time consuming, but it will make sure your beans are sodium free. Use beans instead of high-fat meat - make black bean tacos, for example, or add white beans to spaghetti sauce.

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